WSAVA/FECAVA Virtual Program may be seen here.

All registered participants will receive their log-in credentials several days before the Congress.

 Dedicated links for submitting your proceedings notes and questions have been sent. 

STRUCTURE: After a short introduction by the Moderator, Speakers will take turns to present with their camera on, sharing their screen with their PowerPoint presentation. 

Speakers of joint presentations are requested to present together and should be prepared to answer questions together.


  • Finalize your presentation as per the guidelines below.

Format: Your presentation should be prepared in.PPTX format.
Ratio:  The aspect ratio of your presentation should be 16:9.  Guidelines on How to change the size of your presentation may be seen here.
Layout: For live session presentations – Please keep the top right corner of your slides, free from title, text or images, as well as the bottom right corner (to avoid being hidden by your camera and other images)
The presentation template can be downloaded here. 

  • Be familiar with the Virtual Platform.

You have been invited to attend a Technical Briefing for your session. In case you were not able to attend it, you can find the information here.

  • Join the Live Session

All speakers and moderators will receive calendar invitations with a link for joining their session 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start of their session.

Please read the instructions on How to Join a Live Session

Please make sure that you have signed the requested Consent Form – it is MANDATORY to complete if you would like to participate as a speaker in this congress.

For additional information, please contact us at

Session Structure: After a short introduction by the Moderator, pre-recorded lectures will be projected according to the program schedule. Participants will be able to submit their questions via the Q&A feature. After having all presentations displayed there will be a live, moderated Q&A involving all presenting Speakers.

  • You have been invited to attend a Technical Briefing for your session. In case you were not able to join it, you can find the information here.
  • Technical guidelines on How to join a live session may be seen here.
  • All presenters of recorded lectures are requested to join their session for answering questions coming from the audience via the live chat feature.
  • All presenters and moderators will receive calendar invitations for joining their session 30 minutes before the actual start of the session.
  • Please make sure that you have signed the requested Consent Form – it is MANDATORY to complete if you would like to participate as a speaker or moderator in the Virtual Congress.

For more information, please contact us at

Proceeding submission deadline extended: 8th February 2021
Please note that we will provide you with a dedicated link for uploading your proceedings in due course.

We do not require Proceedings notes and questions submission for Case Seminars.

Proceedings format:
Recommended Browser: Internet Explorer 9 (or higher) or the latest version of Firefox/Chrome or Safari browsers on PC or Macintosh
Institution Address: centered, email of presenting author
Length: Not more than 3-4 pages (1500 words maximum), including figures and references, per presentation, which shall be representative of the full text of the lecture (not an abstract).
References: presented in Vancouver style (Vancouver Style) (Maximum of 10 references)

Diagrams, Tables, Drawings: Line drawings, charts, and graphs are welcome. All illustrations must be in black and white and as sharp as possible.
Photographs, radiographs, or ultrasound reproductions are not permitted.

In case you need more information, please contact us at

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